The new Blue Badge Parking App is the official Android app from the website.
** Nexus 6P users please see important note at end of listing ** is the worlds biggest and most up to date crowd-sourced map of disabled / handicap parking spaces. It has been online since 2006 and is the world's leading disabled (handicap) parking map website. It is a crowd-sourcing project bringing together people around the world to build the most comprehensive and most up to date database of disabled parking spaces. Maps can be printed or downloaded to your SatNav device from the website.
** To avoid performance issues please ensure you have updated to the latest version of Android WebView in Google Play **
This new version of our Android app has been written from the ground up. Currently it provides an enhanced version of the website but this new version allows us to add new features more easily than the previous version - and we have lots of new features planned and already in the pipeline.
Right now the app gives you access to the website with app level location permissions (no more need to allow access to your location every time you view the map) and also keeps the screen on when using the 'Follow Me' function.
This really is just the start, though, and we will be adding more features regularly.
On a smart phone or connected tablet, however, the Blue Badge Parking App becomes a mini SatNav itself. Using your devices in-built GPS you can track your location within the app and head for the nearest disabled parking place.
If your country or area is under-represented, the simple interface allows you to easily and quickly add missing spaces to our database instantly for others to find.
Key features:
- Worldwide database (largely UK and Europe data currently but constantly expanding).
- Search by address, post/zip code or even attraction (e.g. Royal Albert Hall).
- Add and edit locations on the go. The app gives you full access to add new locations and correct existing locations. If your town or area is not well represented don't complain - you have the tools to fix it.
- Map and Satellite views.
- Street level view in many locations.
- Location aware (using GPS, WiFi or phone signal!) to show, or even follow, your location - so you can immediately see the closest spaces and head towards them.
- Common interface for web and Android app.
- Maps can be printed (if phone/tablet supports printing) or database downloaded to various SatNav apps including TomTom.
We have been made aware of a bug in Android WebView which causes the new Blue Badge Parking app to crash on Android 6.x Nexus 6P devices.
The bug is related to the Adreno GPU in these devices and may have been fixed in later versions of WebView.
Please, therefore ensure you are running the most up to date WebView component and let us know via crash/bug reports if the problem persists.
[Note: was recently re-written from the ground up. We regularly add new features and improvements and readily respond to and act on user feedback. Please follow us on Twitter for the latest app news.]
Baru Parkir Blue Badge App adalah aplikasi Android resmi dari situs
** Nexus pengguna 6P silakan lihat catatan penting pada akhir daftar ** adalah dunia terbesar dan paling up to date kerumunan-sumber peta ruang parkir cacat / cacat. Ini telah online sejak 2006 dan memimpin dinonaktifkan parkir (cacat) situs peta dunia. Ini adalah proyek orang-sourcing menyatukan orang di seluruh dunia untuk membangun yang paling komprehensif dan paling up to database tanggal ruang parkir cacat. Maps dapat dicetak atau di-download ke perangkat SatNav Anda dari situs web.
** Untuk menghindari masalah kinerja pastikan Anda telah diperbarui ke versi terbaru dari Android WebView di Google Play **
Versi baru dari aplikasi Android kami yang telah ditulis dari bawah ke atas. Saat ini menyediakan versi yang disempurnakan dari situs tapi versi baru ini memungkinkan kita untuk menambahkan fitur baru lebih mudah dari versi sebelumnya - dan kami telah banyak fitur baru yang direncanakan dan sudah di dalam pipa.
Sekarang aplikasi memberikan Anda akses ke situs web dengan izin lokasi tingkat aplikasi (tidak perlu lagi untuk memungkinkan akses ke lokasi Anda setiap kali Anda melihat peta dan juga menjaga layar pada saat menggunakan 'Follow Me' fungsi.
Ini benar-benar hanya awal, meskipun, dan kami akan menambahkan lebih banyak fitur teratur.
Pada ponsel pintar atau tablet terhubung, namun, Parkir Blue Badge App menjadi SatNav Mini itu sendiri. Menggunakan perangkat Anda built-in GPS Anda dapat melacak lokasi Anda dalam aplikasi dan kepala untuk tempat parkir cacat terdekat.
Jika negara atau daerah kurang terwakili, antarmuka yang sederhana memungkinkan Anda untuk dengan mudah dan cepat menambahkan spasi hilang ke database kami langsung bagi orang lain untuk menemukan.
Fitur utama:
- Database Worldwide (sebagian besar data Inggris dan Eropa saat ini tetapi terus berkembang).
- Cari berdasarkan alamat, post / kode pos atau bahkan tarik (misalnya Royal Albert Hall).
- Tambahkan dan mengedit lokasi di perjalanan. Aplikasi ini memberikan Anda akses penuh untuk menambah lokasi baru dan lokasi yang ada benar. Jika kota Anda atau daerah yang tidak terwakili dengan baik tidak mengeluh - Anda memiliki alat untuk memperbaikinya.
- Peta dan pandangan satelit.
- tampilan tingkat jalan di banyak lokasi.
- Lokasi sadar (menggunakan GPS, WiFi atau sinyal telepon!) Untuk menunjukkan, atau bahkan mengikuti, lokasi Anda - sehingga Anda dapat langsung melihat ruang terdekat dan kepala ke arah mereka.
- antarmuka umum untuk web dan aplikasi Android.
- Maps dapat dicetak (jika telepon / tablet mendukung pencetakan) atau database di-download ke berbagai aplikasi SatNav termasuk TomTom.
Kami telah dibuat sadar bug di Android WebView yang menyebabkan baru Blue Badge Parkir aplikasi untuk crash pada 6.x Android Nexus 6P perangkat.
bug tersebut terkait dengan GPU Adreno dalam perangkat ini dan mungkin telah diperbaiki di versi WebView.
Silakan, karena itu memastikan Anda menjalankan paling up to date komponen WebView dan biarkan kami tahu melalui laporan kerusakan / bug jika masalah terus berlanjut.
[Catatan: baru-baru ini ditulis ulang dari bawah ke atas. Kami secara teratur menambahkan fitur baru dan perbaikan dan mudah menanggapi dan bertindak masukan dari pengguna. Ikuti kami di Twitter untuk berita aplikasi terbaru.]
The new Blue Badge Parking App is the official Android app from the website.
** Nexus 6P users please see important note at end of listing ** is the worlds biggest and most up to date crowd-sourced map of disabled / handicap parking spaces. It has been online since 2006 and is the world's leading disabled (handicap) parking map website. It is a crowd-sourcing project bringing together people around the world to build the most comprehensive and most up to date database of disabled parking spaces. Maps can be printed or downloaded to your SatNav device from the website.
** To avoid performance issues please ensure you have updated to the latest version of Android WebView in Google Play **
This new version of our Android app has been written from the ground up. Currently it provides an enhanced version of the website but this new version allows us to add new features more easily than the previous version - and we have lots of new features planned and already in the pipeline.
Right now the app gives you access to the website with app level location permissions (no more need to allow access to your location every time you view the map) and also keeps the screen on when using the 'Follow Me' function.
This really is just the start, though, and we will be adding more features regularly.
On a smart phone or connected tablet, however, the Blue Badge Parking App becomes a mini SatNav itself. Using your devices in-built GPS you can track your location within the app and head for the nearest disabled parking place.
If your country or area is under-represented, the simple interface allows you to easily and quickly add missing spaces to our database instantly for others to find.
Key features:
- Worldwide database (largely UK and Europe data currently but constantly expanding).
- Search by address, post/zip code or even attraction (e.g. Royal Albert Hall).
- Add and edit locations on the go. The app gives you full access to add new locations and correct existing locations. If your town or area is not well represented don't complain - you have the tools to fix it.
- Map and Satellite views.
- Street level view in many locations.
- Location aware (using GPS, WiFi or phone signal!) to show, or even follow, your location - so you can immediately see the closest spaces and head towards them.
- Common interface for web and Android app.
- Maps can be printed (if phone/tablet supports printing) or database downloaded to various SatNav apps including TomTom.
We have been made aware of a bug in Android WebView which causes the new Blue Badge Parking app to crash on Android 6.x Nexus 6P devices.
The bug is related to the Adreno GPU in these devices and may have been fixed in later versions of WebView.
Please, therefore ensure you are running the most up to date WebView component and let us know via crash/bug reports if the problem persists.
[Note: was recently re-written from the ground up. We regularly add new features and improvements and readily respond to and act on user feedback. Please follow us on Twitter for the latest app news.]